Health Care Proxy Maryland: Empowering Individuals to Make Informed Medical Decisions


When it comes to healthcare decisions, the ability to make informed choices is of paramount importance. However, there may come a time when individuals are unable to communicate their wishes due to illness or incapacity. In such situations, a health care proxy becomes a vital tool for ensuring that an individual’s preferences and values are respected.

Understanding Health Care Proxy

A health care proxy, also known as a medical power of attorney, is a legal document that allows an individual to appoint someone else to make medical decisions on their behalf when they are unable to do so. This appointed person, known as a health care agent or proxy, becomes the voice of the individual and ensures that their wishes are followed.

In the state of Maryland, the Health Care Decisions Act allows individuals to execute a health care proxy to ensure that their medical decisions are made according to their preferences. This legislation recognizes the importance of patient autonomy and empowers individuals to maintain control over their healthcare even when they are unable to actively participate in decision-making.

The Role of a Health Care Proxy in Maryland

By appointing a health care proxy in Maryland, individuals can ensure that their preferences regarding medical treatment, end-of-life care, and other healthcare decisions are respected. The health care proxy is legally obligated to act in accordance with the individual’s wishes, as expressed in the document or through conversations prior to their incapacitation.

It is important to note that a health care proxy’s authority only comes into effect when the individual is unable to make their own medical decisions. This can occur due to various reasons, such as severe illness, mental incapacity, or unconsciousness.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Health Care Proxy

Choosing the right health care proxy is a crucial decision that should not be taken lightly. The appointed individual should be someone who understands and respects the individual’s values, preferences, and beliefs regarding medical treatment. They should also be willing to advocate for the individual’s wishes, even if they personally disagree.

When selecting a health care proxy, it is essential to have open and honest conversations about one’s healthcare preferences, end-of-life decisions, and any specific treatments or interventions that one may wish to avoid. This ensures that the proxy is well-informed and able to make decisions that align with the individual’s values.

The Process of Executing a Health Care Proxy in Maryland

Executing a health care proxy in Maryland involves several steps to ensure its validity and effectiveness. Here is a step-by-step guide to help individuals navigate the process:

  1. Choose a health care proxy: Select a trusted individual who will act as the health care proxy. Discuss one’s values, beliefs, and preferences to ensure they are well-informed.
  2. Discuss wishes with the proxy: Have an open and honest conversation with the chosen proxy to discuss healthcare preferences and end-of-life decisions.
  3. Obtain the necessary forms: In Maryland, health care proxy forms can be obtained from various sources, including healthcare facilities, legal professionals, and online resources.
  4. Complete the form: Fill out the health care proxy form, ensuring that all required information is accurately provided.
  5. Sign the form: The health care proxy form must be signed in the presence of two adult witnesses who are not the appointed proxy or related to them.
  6. Distribute copies: Provide copies of the executed health care proxy form to the appointed proxy, healthcare providers, and other relevant parties involved in one’s medical care.

Review and Update Regularly

Once a health care proxy is executed, it is essential to regularly review and update the document to ensure that it accurately reflects one’s current preferences. Changes in medical conditions, treatment options, or personal beliefs may require modifications to the health care proxy, and individuals should be proactive in making these updates.

Benefits of Having a Health Care Proxy

Having a health care proxy offers numerous benefits for individuals and their families, including:

  • Ensuring individual autonomy: A health care proxy provides individuals with the opportunity to maintain control over their healthcare decisions, even when they are no longer able to actively participate in the decision-making process.
  • Relieving family members of the burden: By appointing a health care proxy, individuals alleviate the burden on their family members to make difficult medical decisions on their behalf, potentially avoiding conflicts and tensions.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that one’s healthcare preferences will be respected can bring peace of mind to individuals, allowing them to focus on their well-being without worrying about potential disagreements or unwanted treatments.
  • Reducing the risk of unwanted interventions: A health care proxy ensures that medical decisions are made based on an individual’s stated preferences, reducing the risk of receiving unwanted or unnecessary medical interventions.

Legal Considerations and Limitations

While a health care proxy grants an individual the ability to make medical decisions on behalf of another person, there are certain legal considerations and limitations that should be understood:

  • Legal age and capacity: In Maryland, an individual must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind to execute a health care proxy. Minors and individuals lacking capacity cannot appoint a health care proxy.
  • Revocation of the health care proxy: Individuals have the right to revoke or change their health care proxy at any time, as long as they are capable of making their own medical decisions.
  • Medical decision-making hierarchy: If an individual has not appointed a health care proxy and is unable to make their own medical decisions, Maryland law establishes a hierarchy of decision-makers, starting with a court-appointed guardian, followed by a spouse or domestic partner, adult children, parents, and siblings.
  • Medical treatment decisions: It is important to note that a health care proxy does not grant the power to make financial or legal decisions on behalf of the individual. Its scope is limited to medical treatment decisions only.

Case Study: The Importance of Health Care Proxy in Maryland

To better understand the significance of a health care proxy, let us consider the hypothetical case of John, a 65-year-old Maryland resident. John values his autonomy and strongly believes in the importance of quality of life over mere survival.

Unfortunately, John suffers a stroke that leaves him unable to communicate his medical preferences. Without a health care proxy, medical decisions would be left solely to the doctors and his family members, potentially resulting in treatments that do not align with John’s values.

However, because John had previously appointed his daughter, Sarah, as his health care proxy, Sarah is now able to advocate for her father’s wishes. She understands that John values his independence and quality of life, and she ensures that medical decisions are made accordingly.

In this case, the health care proxy empowers John to maintain control over his healthcare decisions, ensuring that his preferences are respected even in his incapacitated state.

The Role of Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers play a crucial role in the implementation of a health care proxy. It is essential for healthcare professionals to be aware of the existence of a health care proxy and to respect the decisions made by the appointed proxy.

Healthcare providers should engage in open and honest conversations with patients about their healthcare preferences, the importance of appointing a health care proxy, and the process of executing the necessary documents. By educating patients about their rights and options, healthcare providers can empower individuals to make informed decisions regarding their medical care.


A health care proxy is a powerful tool that empowers individuals to maintain control over their healthcare decisions even when they are unable to actively participate. In Maryland, the Health Care Decisions Act ensures that individuals’ preferences and values are respected, allowing them to receive medical treatments aligned with their wishes.

By choosing a trusted health care proxy, individuals can ensure that their values, beliefs, and preferences regarding medical treatment and end-of-life care are upheld. Regularly reviewing and updating the health care proxy document is essential to reflect any changes in preferences or medical conditions.

Healthcare providers play a crucial role in supporting individuals in executing a health care proxy and respecting the decisions made by the appointed proxy. By fostering open and honest conversations, healthcare professionals can empower patients to make informed decisions about their medical care.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I have more than one health care proxy in Maryland?

Yes, Maryland law allows individuals to appoint alternate health care proxies in case the primary proxy is unavailable or unable to fulfill their responsibilities.

2. Can my health care proxy override my previously expressed wishes?

No, the role of the health care proxy is to ensure that your previously expressed wishes are followed. They cannot override your preferences, and their authority is limited to making decisions based on your documented or communicated wishes.

3. Can a health care proxy make decisions about experimental treatments?

Whether a health careproxy can make decisions about experimental treatments depends on the specific instructions provided in the health care proxy document. If the document explicitly grants the proxy the authority to make decisions about experimental treatments, then they may have the ability to do so. However, if the document does not address this issue or if the individual has expressed a desire to not receive experimental treatments, then the proxy should respect these wishes.

It is important for individuals to have open and thorough discussions with their chosen proxy about their views on experimental treatments and include their preferences in the health care proxy document. This ensures that the proxy is aware of the individual’s stance on this issue and can make informed decisions accordingly.

4. Can I appoint a healthcare provider as my health care proxy?

In Maryland, a healthcare provider who is involved in the individual’s care at the time of executing the health care proxy cannot be appointed as the proxy, unless they are a close relative or a spouse. This restriction is in place to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure that the proxy acts solely in the best interests of the individual.

5. Can I change my health care proxy in Maryland?

Yes, Maryland law allows individuals to revoke or change their health care proxy at any time, as long as they are deemed capable of making their own medical decisions. It is recommended to review and update the health care proxy document periodically to ensure that it accurately reflects one’s current preferences and chosen proxy.


A health care proxy in Maryland is a crucial legal document that empowers individuals to maintain control over their healthcare decisions even when they are unable to actively participate. By appointing a trusted health care proxy and engaging in open and honest conversations about healthcare preferences, individuals can ensure that their values and wishes regarding medical treatment and end-of-life care are respected.

The process of executing a health care proxy involves choosing a proxy, discussing wishes, obtaining the necessary forms, and signing the document in the presence of witnesses. Regularly reviewing and updating the document is essential to reflect any changes in preferences or medical conditions.

Healthcare providers play a vital role in supporting individuals in executing a health care proxy and respecting the decisions made by the appointed proxy. By fostering open and honest conversations, healthcare professionals can empower patients to make informed decisions about their medical care.

Having a health care proxy offers numerous benefits, including ensuring individual autonomy, relieving family members of the burden of making difficult medical decisions, providing peace of mind, and reducing the risk of unwanted interventions.

By understanding the legal considerations and limitations of a health care proxy, individuals can navigate the process with confidence and ensure that their healthcare preferences are upheld.

Remember, appointing a health care proxy is a proactive step towards ensuring that your voice is heard and your wishes are respected. It is never too early to start these important conversations and put your healthcare decisions in writing.


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